There are several powers you can unlock in Starfield, and the Elemental Pull is one of them. Essentially, these powers are special spells or abilities you can cast to aid you in your galactic adventures. They vary in usage and effects. Some are useful in combat, while others are great utility spells. The Elemental Pull is an example of a utility spell that allows you to gather resources easily.

While powers are great tools to kickstart your Starfield adventure, unfortunately, they are not available on the get-go. You need to spend some hours progressing through the main story missions to unlock them.

This guide explains how you can unlock the Elemental Pull power in Starfield.

How to unlock the Elemental Pull Power in Starfield

Obtain a temple artifact with Andreja in the Into the Unknown mission (Image via Bethesda)

In Starfield, you need to unlock the power mechanic first before you obtain other powers. To do so, you have to complete the 'Into the Unknown' mission, which will be available to you after completing the 'The Old Neighborhood' mission. In this mission, you are tasked to join any of the three Constellation members on their journey to obtain an artifact piece from a temple.

You can follow this in-depth guide for the Into the Unknown mission. After finishing this quest, you will unlock the Anti-Gravity Field power, your first power in Starfield.

After gaining access to your first power, you can unlock more powers in the same manner. Collect an artifact, locate a temple, and then capture the glowing lights in the rotating structure. Use your boost pack to propel forward, as these lights move faster when you approach them.

Locate Temple Psi in Altair I planet (Image via Bethesda)

For the Elemental Pull power, you have to locate Temple Psi on Altair I, a planet located in the Altair System. From the Alpha Centauri, head north past the Sol solar system. Make sure to be equipped with enough fuel and strong grav drive for this long interstellar flight.

Starfield Elemental Pull power effect and cost

The in-game description of the Elemental Pull reads:

"Blasts inorganic resources in an area around you and pulls them towards you."

For 25 cost, this power allows you to essentially mine resources instantly. You simply have to blast an area and use the power to gather resources toward you.

How to use powers in Starfield

There are 24 powers in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

In Starfield, you can access the power menu by pressing the "K" key or by clicking at the top of the circular character menu. In this menu, you'll find a list of all your available powers. You can equip one power at a time and assign others to your favorites menu for quick access.

To use a power, press the "Z" key (or LB+RB on a gamepad). Each power has a point cost associated with it. It is worth noting that you only have a power limit of 60.

This wraps up our Starfield Elemental Pull power guide. Check this article for some combat tips and guides in Starfield.

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